Mapping in R

Elizabeth Byerly
Jacob Patterson-Stein


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Code: mapping_in_r


Map graphics communicate spatially distributed data

  • Quick map plots help identify spatial dependencies (exploratory data analysis)
  • Presenting results by administrative unit helps inform policy-making
  • Tying data to relatable landmarks builds compelling narratives

You will leave with:

  • High-level best practices for map graphics
  • Tools to begin making map graphics using the R language
  • Troubleshooting steps when you encounter problems


  1. What makes a good map graphic?
  2. Mapping in R
  3. Troubleshooting mapping in R

What makes a good map graphic?

Visually appealing



Visually Appealing

Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service

Mapping in R

Why R?
Your first map graphic
Raster and vector maps
Graphing over maps

Why R?

  • Free
  • Community supported
  • Attractive, informative, and fully reproducible graphics

Why R.

Your first map

qmap("601 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC")

Your first map plot

eg <- data.frame(geocode(c("601 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC",
                           "Union Station Metro, Washington, DC",
                           "Judiciary Square Metro, Washington, DC")))
qmplot(data = eg, x = lon, y = lat, zoom = 18, f = 1.1, size = I(3))

Rasters and Vectors


  • A raster map is an image of a map
  • Appropriate for spatial point data
  • More attractive, more default options, less customizable


  • A vector map is composed of polygons
  • Appropriate for area-coded data
  • Customizable, flexible applications, less attractive for equivalent work

Raster maps from `ggmap()`

ggmap(get_map("601 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC",
              zoom = 12, source = "stamen", maptype = ...)

Vector maps from `maps`

ggplot(world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(fill = region), color = "black")

Vector maps from `maps`

ggplot(world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(fill = region), color = "black") +
  coord_map("ortho", orientation=c(41, -74, 0))

Vector maps from shapefiles

usa <- readOGR(dsn = "Inputs", "cb_2014_us_county_500k")
usa@data$id = rownames(usa@data)
usa.points = fortify(usa, region = "id")
county = join(usa.points, usa@data, by = "id")

Mixing rasters and vectors

usa_raster <- get_map(bbox(county[,c("long", "lat")]),
                      maptype = "watercolor", zoom = 6)
ggmap(usa_raster, extent = "device",
      base_layer = ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
                          data = county)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(fill = STATEFP, color = STATEFP), alpha = .3) +
  coord_map(projection = "mercator")

Graphing Data On Maps

The following slides are examples of four basic graphic map types:

  • Dot density
  • Graduated symbol
  • Choropleth
  • Isopleth

The data used is the public HUD insured multifamily properties dataset and the US Census Quickfacts dataset.

Dot density

ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat), data = states) +
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group), color = "grey95") +
  geom_point(aes(x = LON, y = LAT), color = "#2db6e8", alpha = .6,
             data = insured) +

Graduated symbol

ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat), data = states) +
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group), color = "grey95") +
  geom_point(aes(x = LON, y = LAT, size = Unit_Total), color = "grey85",
             data = cnty_count, shape = 21, fill = "#2db6e8") +


ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat), data = county) +
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill = Trouble)) +


ggmap(dmv_map, base_layer =
        ggplot(aes(x = LON, y = LAT, fill = CLIENT_GROUP_TYPE),
               data = dmv_insured)) +
  stat_density2d(aes(alpha = ..level..), bins = 3, geom = "polygon")


An example: JPS's problem
Local resources
Troubleshooting steps

JPS's Problem

  • Client presentation using geographic data
  • Want to highlight relative performance across states
  • Other mapping methods required proprietary software (SAS, ArcGIS), had limited customization (Excel), or required learning an entirely new open-source software on a short timeline (QGIS)

JPS's Problem

What the data look like:
How we want the data to look:

How the data looked after plotting


Typical sources of map graphic errors:

  • Graphic generator methods (e.g., `ggmap()` not recognizing variables provided by the base layer)
  • Data organization errors (e.g., ordering of vector points)
  • Projection mismatching (e.g., vector in WGS84 and data points in NAT83)

